Thursday, 26 December 2013

Christmas Past and Present

Christmas comes in many different types of packages.  We have been married 36 years, and have 5 children so Christmas at our house has seen many variations.  Our first Christmas, we smuggled  a fresh tree into our apartment then went back over the stairs to pick up the  dropped needles. 
We celebrated Little Christmas (a week before actual Christmas) with friends from North Carolina before
they travelled home to their familes.
The Christmas with our first son, he had so many gifts we staggered the opening of them over a few days.
The Christmas my Dad died our three boys had cheerios for dinner because the turkey took forever to
cook.  It just wasn't a year for a full celebration.
We've had Christmases where the gifts have been plenty and some very little.
Those ones are the most memorable.
Those are the sweetest.
The reason for Christmas remains the same.
The King became a Child
coming to His world as the Gift for all who accept it
The gift of abundant and meaningful life.
This is the time of year we celebrate the first chapter of this Gift.
Last night we celebrated our 37th Christmas together.
This year we had one son in Wyoming, one son and his wife in Winnipeg,
so the gathering was a little smaller but no less sweet.
We had 4 precious angels in our midst, our 4 grandbabies.  One who just
turned 11, one 2 and celebrating their first Christmas. twins, 5 months old.
Oh, the joy, the fun, and the precious moments we will savour
until the season comes 'round again.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Ahh, nostalgia, isn't it great?  There are few places in town where I can walk into and immediately I am back to when I was a little child.  One of these places is the Dutch Bakery.  I always say I was brought up there as it holds so many memories.  The business started the same year I was born, so you see we have a special connection.  It was always our go to spot on Saturdays for lunch. 
My Mom and I would get dressed up (yes, you dressed up to go to town) early Saturday morning and do our weekly shopping.  The butcher, the baker, the green grocer, all of these businesses were on Fort Street.
We would then stop for lunch.
My sister worked at Murchie's Tea and Coffee.
She would meet us for lunch.
It was always the Dutch Bakery.
Hamburger for her.
Ham sandwich for me.
Oh, and
chocolate milkshake.
Of course.
Vanilla slice?
No, lemon pie, the best in the city.
My husband and I dropped into the Dutch Bakery the other day, to pick up his favourite, a flying saucer cookie. 
And again
there it was
that feeling of being a child again.
Today we will take our sweet little granddaughter and introduce her to the Dutch Bakery.
Thank you for still being there and as always declicious!